You never are to sensitive

If you are a highly sensitive person, chances are that you are facing feelings and thoughts that this world you’re currently in is too hard and demanding for you. You may feel all that is happening with more intensity, and think that you won’t be able to maintain your softness, openness and vulnerability.



This is an old, relative truth, that tells you about the lives in which you as a Carrier of Light, incarnated in much lower levels of consciousness, with the goal to keep the fire of Christ Consciousness burning on Earth.

Many lifetimes you have been a beacon of Light and Love, in cold, dark fields. You have ‘sacrificed’ lowering your frequency to such an extent that allowed you to be present in a physical body here on Earth, to remind your fellow humans to the Divine spark they also carry, but forgot about. 


Many of these lifetimes were harder and more difficult than you had hoped, because you too got caught in the lower density fields with all its illusions anyway. These lives had so much value though, and were necessary to climb the ladder back to a higher consciousness. 


There is no other planet than Mother Earth giving us as souls so many opportunities to grow fast, thanks to the far-reaching duality she continues to allow. She too makes this ‘sacrifice of Love’, but with a wonderful goal and from a deep knowing that there is no greater contribution within the Divine than to contribute to the development of consciousness and the awakening of humanity. 


Realise YOUR contribution, YOUR Love! You are here because you chose to from a deep-rooted devotion. When you truly start to realise the greatness of the golden thread through all your lifetimes; then the fight and struggle start to cease, will there be surrender to the divine guidance, that will be felt to the bone.


Do you really believe the Light World and your own higher parts would ever abandon you? They are with you, day and night, and give guidance and direction to the process that you won’t be able to witness with your 3D perception. 


Receive, whatever it is, even if you feel you’re not receiving anything.  An incomprehensible amount of higher light frequencies are flowing to and through you, that can do their work best when you are in connection with yourself, resting, feeling and allowing. 


Share with like minded people what you experience. Don’t underestimate what one word or a loving look can mean to your fellow human beings! If you feel an impulse: follow it. Don’t disempower yourself, like I (Mieke) almost did by wondering ‘Ah, do I really have to write about this again, does it really contribute?’. 


These are old thoughts, from lives in which we lost our realisation of our Divine Authority along the way. This loss has made us doubt the loving impulses  within ourselves. Step through, through these thoughts. Follow every impulse of Love, within and without, because she stems from the Divine Presence that can do her work of liberation through you! 


So in the upcoming days give space to all that wants to be felt and may flow out and away from you. It becomes softer whenever you’re able to do this from gratitude, as you have now truly reached the threshold to the new life. No life, no fight and struggle has been in vain, as humanity is truly approaching awakening, step by step, layer after layer. In part thanks to your contributions in many previous incarnations, and your current surrender to the guidance of the Divine Presence within you. 


Mieke Vulink