Venus is retrograde from March 2 to April 13


When the planet of love, harmony, finances and art is retrograde, it is time to experience these relevant areas from within: self-love, evaluation of relationships, not maintaining harmony at the expense of yourself, saving or spending money very consciously (for what your heart desires) and expressing yourself through creativity.



❥ What insights have you gained in recent weeks?

❥ How are you going to integrate this in your life?

❥ How do you stay true to your heart?

The Egyptian goddess Hathor has a connection with Venus. She was a mother-goddess of love, joy, fertility, pregnancy, birth, music, and sound. Hathor also bore the title Lady of the Stars. In her form as a celestial cow, she gave spiritual nourishment to mankind (the Milky Way!). Tuning in to the Field of Hathor helps you to (re)discover your inner values and to be true to them, to experience and share love (without giving too little or too much), to express your sound and to move energy with it (attract what you wish) and to give your spiritual- or starself more shape on earth.

When Venus is moving direct again in April, you can more easily give direction to your feminine qualities: inner knowing, intuition, overview, (re)shape friendship and relationship(s). What is growing in you and what do you want to give birth to in the near future?

❥ Do it with style!

Petra Stam



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