The Wind of Birth

Lee Carroll channels Kryon

Wednesdays with Kryon | September 2024 | channeling 3

Have you ever heard me give you a message and in that message were the words “The Wind of Birth?”

Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.


Those of you who have listened to our channelings here have heard it. I have spoken of it many times. Now I want to try to explain it, and I say try to. Dear Ones, first of all I will tell you it is beyond your comprehension. It is beautiful. It shows processes which you don’t understand yet that I would love to tell you about. If you could understand the processes that went into that Wind of Birth, suddenly you might change your mind about who you are, or why you’re on the planet, or who it is that planned the incarnation you’re in, or indeed how it happened at all.


I have to fill you in in a bigger picture to describe that Wind of Birth. But before I even fill you in, let me describe it simply to you.

It is the moment you enter the planet in your next incarnation. And although it might be controversial to what you have been told before, that time that you actually enter from this Wind of Birth, which I’ll explain to you, is when you take your first breath. And there will be those who will ask the kinds of questions that are very linear. Well, what about when you’re in the womb, and when did life begin, and when did the soul enter?  I just told you.


However there are so many times when you will enter just for a moment when the first breath is taken and the last breath is taken. There are many situations where you will come and go quickly in situations that are sad to some, and others, well they start to understand why you do what you do on this planet.


The Wind of Birth, it’s an interesting concept because it has two elements to it I have never described to you. The Wind of Birth is when you arrive, but it’s more than that. The Wind of Birth also is a description of a system, of a time that is before you arrive even, but at that moment of the first breath in a timeless situation, swirling around you with intent and all that you’ve planned for, I’ll explain it in a moment, is the Wind of Birth.


But we cannot give that to you until we tell you about your exit because to us they are the same. A timeless place you come from, a nonlinear place, not measured at all with the vibrations that you would see are the clock. We have given you information even when that the Lemurian Teaching Wheel, that the eternal pool is where the birth happens and where the last breath takes place. And we’ve also given you hints of the energy of it because the songs that are sung in the birth are also the same ones that are sung in passing. Now that ought to tell you something.


What if they came and went from the same place?

What if the eternal pool was a metaphor for the Wind of Birth itself?

That eternal pool, that’s the description in Lemuria, and those who are birthing underwater taking their first breath and then raising to the surface - you’re back. And it’s also the same experience when they pass. The last breath is taken in the pool. It’s the same music. It’s the same energy. It’s the same celebration; that all now becomes a metaphor for the Wind of Birth on my side of the veil and all the activity.


What if I told you that we send you on your way down into the planet, in this Wind of Birth, that first breath, and almost instantly there is the celebration of your return? That is how timeless this works, Dear Ones. To us, that’s all the Wind of Birth.


Let me tell you more about this wind. We call it a Wind because there is a certain kind of beautiful, beautiful energy that swirls around you. That you, which is the portion of your soul dedicated to come in and be part of the planet as a human being in the incarnation that’s about to happen. Around you is so much. So let’s describe what it might be.


What happens in the interim? You return to this beautiful soul that never left you. Like a mothership you might say that’s always with you in some way, that you step out from to become a human being and you step back into, that piece of God that you are, that Merkabah, that beautiful piece of God. What happens in the interim? The interim between coming and going, what goes on there? And then there will be those asking, “Well, how long must you stay out before you come back?” What if I told you there is no rule for that? And you will say, “Well, I have heard this and I have heard that.” And I will say you have heard that which was given without full information.


What If I told you that some of you come back pretty quick, way too quick for those to be comfortable in metaphysics? Those who would say, “Well, there has to be this and there has to be that. There has to be a combination. There has to be whatever you do.” In a timeless place, really, you’ve decided there has to be a certain amount of days…days as in earth days in a timeless situation that’s not even earth? Perhaps you’re starting to understand a little more about how ridiculous it is for those here on the planet to give you spiritual information about things that are not planetary that they have not experienced in a way that they would even remember or know or could even channel about.


A timeless area - what goes on? I’ll tell you. There is always a time of celebration when you return. So let’s not start with the birth. Let’s start with that which is you passing over and coming back before the next incarnation, before the Wind of Birth. What’s going on? You are looking at all that occurred, but so are those who were in your soul, the pieces and parts of your soul, also those who are soul sharing, and we have told you this before. There are other human beings that have a piece and a part of your soul with you that share it. And now you may know why, because that part which is sharing is all part of what’s next.


What if you shared your soul with other souls that play parts, like in play? That they come and they go early or later in order to facilitate your decision of what you are going to be or do next. And if so, you might say there’s a planning session. That is the closest I can give you in your three-dimensional words of what actually takes place. There is an assessment. There is past life energies to take a look at. There is intent. There is and always has been, up to this point, karma. And all of these play a part in what you will do next, where you will be. Most of the time, you are returning in a same kind of culture with the same kind of language with some of the same players, Dear Ones, and often in the same gender to make you comfortable.


All of these things are decided. And you might say, “Well, who is the great decider here? Are there forms to fill out?” And I will say, oh how linear of you. The great decider is you because you have the mind of God when you’re not here. And all that is decided is decided instantly together using that which is far, far greater intelligence, common sense than you even know about or you could conceive of of who you will be next and why, but it lays right at your feet for you are the final decider. Yes or no. I’m coming. I’m going.

And I have told you that almost exclusively, you can hardly wait to get back. That doesn’t make sense to you and never will, especially if you’ve had hardships. “Why would I return?” Well, what if the hardships were over? What if this next life is without them? There is all manner of things. Who said you’re going to go through the same thing you did before, especially when you have to consider each lifetime is like a school you graduate – been there, done that, don’t have to do it again? And you come back in.


Let’s say, let’s just say you’re going to come back in right now during the shift. Let’s say you’ve passed over and you’re going to come back in. Surrounding you, swirling like a tunnel, you might say, that is moving all around you. A tunnel that is beautiful and filled with purpose, with entities, with guides smiling and saying, “I’m with you. Let’s go.” It’s the past life energies that are looking at you and saying, “Okay, we have that done. Now let’s get to this one.” It’s perhaps the parents that are already down there. It’s your mother who is about to give birth to you. All of those souls are with you too.


This is the wind and you can feel it swirling around you. It’s beautiful. There is so much celebration - and in you go. And you take your first breath and you’re back. Your mother is there. Hopefully those who are giving birth and helping her are there. Your father, hopefully he’s there. Not always, but there’s always celebration – a new life. You have no idea who is celebrating. Some of you say, “Well, I was born alone. There was a midwife and there was my mom. That’s about it.” (Kryon laughs) You have no idea! The multitudes knew you were there. There was celebration in that Wind of Birth that we speak about.


And the next thing, the next thing that happens is you’re back to us and then there is another celebration because you recognize all of us. There is a meeting of all the souls, even the ones that are still on earth. Go figure that out, oh three-dimensional person you are (Kryon laughs). I say that in the most loving way I can. That’s all you have. That’s all you have.


These dimensions that are your reality, you have to make the kinds of logic you have from them. You don’t know about a timeless eternity. You don’t know about endless celebration, laughter, love, compassion and joy. That’s home. We’re always celebrating you. The Wind of Birth is one of the most special times for us, for you.


But there’s a final decision you make. The one we’ve talked about before when you stand there seemingly still, alone with the frequencies of this Wind of Birth swirling around you, the guides that are coming in with you, the past lives that are slapping you on the back, “Let’s go. Let’s do it.” Your mothers, your father, all of those biological and also esoteric parents, you might say, all of them in that wind, all of them swirling and waiting for the moment when you’ll step off.


And you’d say, “Well, that moment is guided by your first breath and your birth, the experience, the biology.” No, it isn’t. In a timeless situation, it’s almost like the earth sits still and waits for that first breath when it’s time, and you step off the edge, you might say, of the abyss, you might say, finding yourself in the reality of the newborn, taking the breath, perhaps a little crying, “I have arrived yet again.”


That is the Wind of Birth. It’s more than welcome to earth. It’s your lineage and we celebrate, all of us, and always will. I hope this tells you a little bit more about who you really are.


And so it is.




© Lee Carroll