Pamela Kribbe channels mother Earth
Dear people,
I am the voice of Earth. I greet you with all my warmth and love. Feel me flow through you; I am in every cell of your body. I want to be there for you and to join with you, which is why I reach out to you.
In the joining I make with you through your body, I give something to you. Yes, you heard that right – I give something to you. I give you security, protection, health, vitality. I want to nourish you with the life energies that are part of life on me, Earth: the rhythms of the seasons, of the moon and sun, of day and night. I want to make you part of my world and in that way provide you with everything you need. This is what I want to give to you, from my heart and soul, so receive it from me. Dare to rely on the reality of what I am and feel sustained by me. This is what I want to give to you.

But at the same time, I receive something from you. By my being present in the physical matter of your body, I take on your consciousness and it radiates through me. It renews me and allows something fresh to shine through me. And through this interaction between us, my consciousness is enriched; it becomes vaster and deeper, and I become an angel in my consciousness. I, too, am going through a process of growth, a movement toward a greater awareness, and this is done by and through you. We are on a path together.
Today, you have talked about the intention of your soul to express itself on the Earth and how you give earthly form to your soul, although you sometimes have trouble doing that. However, your mission is to manifest your divine soul energy in earthly form; to join your soul with the Earth. That is your bridge to the Earth and, in this way, you join with all other life forms when you take on form in flesh and blood.
For me, the movement is the other way round; I am already “flesh and blood”. I am already living, physical matter, but it is through you that I experience my highest level of expression. When you express yourself through earthly forms, I express myself through you. When you are deeply joined with me, you let matter become enlivened. For example, consider an artist who creates a sculpture from a lump of clay. What that person is doing by working with the clay is adding consciousness to matter. That matter, the clay they have in their hands, becomes imbued with consciousness and meaning.
It is not only the consciousness of the artist that expresses itself through matter – it is more than that. It is a universal light that is given form on the Earth, and that light is of benefit to me. I, matter, the consciousness in the clay, begin to dance, grow, and flourish when I am met in this way with your consciousness, respect, and imagination. You see how, as an artist, you are making a movement from your soul toward the Earth. But equally, there is a movement from me toward you, the artist. You have need of me, but I have need of you for my inner process of growth. It is like a dance that we enter into together.
This dance can only be performed when you dare to give and dare to receive, but you have become blocked in both directions. When you try to let your soul flow out onto Earth, and into earthly form, you are often inhibited by fears and self-doubt which you experienced today when you wanted to be an open channel from your soul to Earth. However, you were able to do that by allowing some part of what moves you most deeply to become visible.
At the same time, you have also seen and experienced that there are inhibiting energies in you. Above all, it is fear that plays tricks on you. Where that fear has lodged, your physical being is not fully imbued by your soul. Your soul hovers somewhat higher and does not fully participate in earthly life. And when your soul is not able to do that, and I cannot quite reach your soul, then the interplay between your soul and me cannot appear in its full glory and flourish.
When you dare to give of yourself, dare to show who you are, and dare to speak and be from your heart, your energy flows through to the Earth, and in doing so, washes through me. I then receive you, and your consciousness helps me to become a more powerful angel – it lets me bloom. You are my god; you bring something to me that elevates me, and although you are not aware of that happening, yet it is so. When you allow your own divinity to show, and when you dare to express your originality, your star-light, in this world, I can give so much to you in return. Then, there is a bridge between us so I can fully reach you. What you need in an earthly sense, what you desire, I can give to you, because you are then rooted and present on this Earth.
I want to now do a little exercise with you to show you how, in your life, the interplay between Earth and soul, between above and below, is happening. We begin with your body. Become very aware of your body by moving away from your head, and experience your body as part of me, Earth. Just as the plants and the animals are part of me, so your body is part of my world, with my laws, my rhythms, and my nature. Feel the strength of that union for a moment and ask yourself: “What do I need, what would be of especial benefit for me right here, at this moment?” Your body is nourished in many ways, physically by food, but just as much by the energies of feeling, which are spiritual energies.
Let your attention descend into your body’s awareness, completely feeling your physical self. Your muscles, your nervous system, your organs, naturally seek for harmony and a balanced rhythm, because they are part of my nature. There is a movement in the body toward health and harmony, so the body can repair itself using many things. Observe your body’s awareness objectively and with the knowledge that your body is a part of me, the Earth. Ask your body: “What do you need? How can I take care of you? Name one thing that I can do to make you feel better.” Imagine that you will receive what your body says you need. Allow that “something” to enter your energy field and see what it does for you.
When you descend with your soul, your highest consciousness, into your body, you can feel what you need, what it takes for you to be connected and joyfully present. To descend with your soul’s consciousness is an act of giving to your body that allows me, as Earth, to then respond to you by providing you with what you need.
Now look at the field of your work, the area of your life in which you creatively manifest on Earth. Here, I again ask you to fully descend with your soul’s consciousness into your body. Fill your chest and abdomen, your arms and hands, your hips, legs, and feet with your soul’s consciousness. Connect completely and be present. Feel then what it is that wants to flow from your heart out into this world. That is the energy you want to give; that is your “job”. Dare to feel it, because doing that can make you aware of, and open to, how much light and gentleness, how many beautiful things, you have to give. You are an angel. Descend with the energy you have to give and connect that with the Earth.
You fear the hurt of being rejected and made to feel unworthy. But go ahead and feel that fear, and take that fear by the hand the way you would a child. Imagine that you are holding this anxious child with one hand and with your other hand you hold on to an angel who is next to you, who is somewhat larger in stature than you are. That angel tells you to trust and to allow the light to flow through you. In this way, you receive both the light of the angel and the admiration of the child who sees your light and your beauty, and who feels your strength and feels secure with you. It is your task to have compassion for the frightened child in you. It is allowed to be there, but it should not block the bridge between you and Earth. Take the child with you; take it by the hand when you cross the bridge.
Dare to shine in this world and become wholly visible to me, and when you do, I can come toward you across the bridge. I can take in your energy, and by experiencing what you truly are and need, I can come to you with opportunities in many areas. And this process will increase your energy and let it to manifest even more.
Trust that when you take that first step – that choice to be truly present – the Earth answers and the world answers: “You belong, there is a Home for you here.” You then begin to live from a stream of opportunities and possibilities which have not been created by your own hand, but which are extended to you as a gift from me. Dare to go into that flow that is the dance between your soul and Earth. In that dance, I can give to you everything you desire, while you give to me the highest of yourself: your star-light, your soul. Trust me; I will not let you down.
Thank you for your presence here today.
© Pamela Kribbe