Lee Carroll channels Kryon
Alcazar's & Kryon's Global Energy Transmission | December 2024
Greetings Dear Ones, I am kryon of magnetic service.
I have said this so many times, but you need to hear it again: I know who's watching. Whatever time frame you watch I know who is here. And that is something that warms that which is the heart of
spirit itself. Though you are here and you care enough to be here, to listen to something that is happening for you.

❥ Number one: it is not an accident that you are on this planet right now.
❥ Number two: it's not an accident that you are hearing spectacular things that are going on with the human being.
The timing of now is perfect for your life, and it doesn't matter how young or how old you think you are. I and spirit, see you as one full complete Soul entity, and it's thousands of years old,
this Soul entity, and you are here right now as an expression of many parts, you might say, of the Oneness of one Soul.
You might say I know who you are, I know who you've been. I know the potential of who you will be after you think you've taken your last breath! I know that which you have planned for the next time around!
There is something spectacular happening right now, and I want to give it to you briefly, succinctly and simply.
I want you to consider a metaphor I've given before and that is a toy train around perhaps the Christmas tree, haha. And it goes in circles, no matter how big the tree is, it goes in circles.
There's no way it could do anything else. Now that train is a metaphor, it represents the old energy of this planet that never changed.
Now what happens when this train which is you, Humanity, the planet, goes around the track which is the timeline of you, is that it covers the same ground over and over, the same track over and
over. You might say you are in a closed timeline, it never changes. Now the proof of this is that your history repeats itself. Even the most dysfunctional things you have ever tried are then
tried again, expecting perhaps different results is the definition of dysfunction. But you look at your history, war after war after War as though it would change something, there were some Wars
that were so disgusting you took a break and then you started another one which was simply an extension of the last one with the same players, the same protagonists in the play of War ! You
cannot help yourselves because that is the track you've been on.
History repeats itself, not anymore.
I want you to see that circle, that track ,with an extension a siding as they call ,where when you come around in this 36 year window called the precession of the equinoxes, that particular cycle does not circle anymore : it goes off onto the sighting. You have created another timeline ! Now that new timeline will never come back to the circle around the tree. It's going somewhere else. It's going where you have never been. That's frightening to many, and many of you feel it : « what's happening on this planet? I feel like things are changing and that bothers me because I'm used to the same. I want to have it come back » you might say. No you don't, dear ones, that's just you reacting to something you didn't expect, something new : the paradigm, the timeline we'll create are new. This is the new kinds of things we want to tell you about, and that's why we are here.
And so I want you to understand that this sighting that you've taken is going to become not another circle, not. You're not going to have another repeat of history, no. This is not your grandfather's world, no. It's going into a direction that is obfuscated, hidden, that for some of you you might think is frightening. And that is another reason we're here, with that to tell you that this future of yours that you cannot see that is different, can be so exciting, so much better than the circle you've been in. That's the message, that's the entire message. Relax in the love of spirit that gives you the confidence that where you're going on this sighting is what you've designed. It's why you're here.
And so it is.