Channeling - a bit of debunking


By Pamela Kribbe

I would like to make some general remarks on the phenomenon of channeling. Perhaps, being Dutch (they are considered to be a very down-to-earth people!) and still quite skeptical about some of the new age stuff I encounter, I would like to put some things about channeling into perspective.


 The relationship between channeler and channeled entity


I think that channeling is a cooperation between a human being and a non-physical entity who acts as a teacher. The teacher offers inspiration and a larger perspective to the human being, and the human being translates the energy of the spiritual entity into the words and concepts he is acquainted with through his upbringing, education and culture. I do not believe that it is possible, or even desirable, that the human channel should completely set himself aside, in order to “purely channel” the non-physical entity’s energy. I think it is inevitable that the channel’s mind set, awareness and vocabulary greatly influence what comes through. Even if the channel goes into a deep trance state, he is the receiver, the vessel and therefore co-creator of the material. I think it is naïve to presume that a channeler can receive a message totally ‘from without’, taking no part in it. I believe the messages come ‘from within’, through his consciousness, enlarged by the spiritual teacher’s consciousness, and that the quality of the channeling does not so much depend on the extent to which the channeler can eliminate himself as on the level of consciousness that both the channeler and the channeled entity posses. Channeling is essentially a co-creation.  


 How to judge the quality of channeled information


Channeling can be beautiful and inspiring. But it can also lead to nonsense, hollow phrases, or fearful, moralistic tales of woe. At the worst, it leads to the worship of authorities who have nothing going for them except their name or rank in some invisible spiritual hierarchy. Looking up to elusive authorities outside of us – wasn’t that precisely what all spiritual teachers had warned us against? The fact that information is channeled says absolutely nothing about the quality of it.


In the philosophy of science, the branch of philosophy that investigates what makes scientific theories ‘scientific’ or trustworthy, a useful distinction is made between the ‘context of discovery’ and ‘the context of justification’. What leads to the discovery of a scientific theory has no bearing on whether it can be justified. A scientist can make up any theory he wants, relying on personal dreams, associations, or reveries, but once he has formulated the theory, it will be judged by his peers on the basis of generally acknowledged criteria such as empirical confirmation, coherence, explanatory power, etc. So in the context of discovery, anything goes, whereas in the context of justification, the theory has to live up to certain standards of quality in order to be valued by the scientific community. I think the same goes for channeled material. Channeled messages should be judged by the same standards as spiritual texts from ‘mere humans’: is the information clear, does it add new insights to your knowledge, does it inspire you to love yourself more, do you feel enlightened and uplifted by the message? I think if the answer is ‘yes’, the question of who channeled it and how it came about (the context of discovery) is relatively unimportant. The proof is in the pudding, not in the alleged rank or status of the one who prepared it.


 My own experience as a channeler


When I channel Jeshua, I feel myself getting larger instead of smaller. I feel his energy helping me rise to the greatness of my own greater Self. I think he is in fact mediating between ‘the small everyday me’ and the ‘larger Me’, helping me to embody it a little more.


Every time he does this and I allow it, I am expanding my consciousness a little more, and it affects my own growth and empowerment.


One time, I did a channeling (about “Relationships in the New Era”) in which I so strongly felt the presence of my own higher of greater self (who I call Aurelia), that I doubted whether I was still channeling Jeshua. I asked him that evening before I went to sleep, and then he said something very endearing to me: ‘Remember always, I am there for you, you are not there for me’. This made it very clear to me. We are all meant to fully embody and manifest our greater Selves here on earth.


Teachers come along to help us on our path, and if it’s a true teacher, he or she will help you as long as you need it, and then get out of the way.


Jeshua is still with me, although I feel I am not ‘chatting’ as much with him as I used to in the beginning. Often nowadays when I ask him a personal question, he asks me: what do you truly feel about it? And when I focus on that, the answer is there, from my own inner knowing and intuition. So, Jeshua encourages us all to take up our own power, and to see channeling as a means and not as an end. Perhaps one day I will be able to ‘channel’ my own higher or Christ self, and not rely on Jeshua anymore. I am sure he would be the first to applaud me!

Jeshua on channeling

❥ I will conclude with a ‘channeling on channeling’, a few words from Jeshua on his relationship with me as channeler.

“Channeling is a way of getting closer to yourself with the help of another – non-physical – being. This being temporarily plays the role of a teacher. The energy of the teacher helps you get to a deeper level of yourself. The teacher’s energy lifts you out of the fears that keep your own light veiled.


A teacher shows you your own light. The teacher is more aware of your light than you are. As soon as this light, your inner knowing, is accessible to yourself, the teacher becomes superfluous. You are then able to channel your own light. The teacher does not have to act as a bridge any more between you and your higher self.


I am reminding you for a while of your own light. I mirror your greatness to you in the shape of Jeshua ben Joseph. In me you see yourself, your Christ self, but you do not realize this fully yet. I am like a frame of reference to you, my energy serves as a beacon. I help you get more deeply acquainted with your own Christ self. It slowly will move to the foreground, and I will move to the background. This is all right. It is as it should be. Don’t forget, in this relationship, I am there for you, you are not there for me. I am not the aim, but the means. The rebirth of Christ is the awakening of your Christ self, not mine.


I act according to what serves your greater Self. My aim is that you make me superfluous. When you channel me, do not try to make yourself small or invisible. I wish that you make yourself bigger, feel your true strength flow out of you and shine upon the world.

A teacher points at the road but it is you who walk it. After a while, you find yourself walking alone, having left the teacher behind. This is a grand and sacred moment. The teacher will stay with you, will live on in your heart as an inner presence, but the separate figure will disappear.


We stay connected, but as you grow, you will less and less see me, or want to call upon me, as a separate being. I will slowly become part of your own energy. And at some point, you will not know me as separate from you anymore. This will show that you have truly heard and seen me.”


Jeshua, summer 2006

© Pamela Kribbe


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