Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
This is a subject that I have taught many times, but perhaps never in this way on this program and I am going to now. I want to assure you of something you may not have been aware of, how it works, and the way Spirit sees it.
Dear Ones, questions have been asked about what has souls, what does not have souls, what is a soul. These are questions that you do not have to know fully to appreciate the fact that perhaps
it’s not what you think. The human being has a human soul and that is then purposed with reincarnation and all that you have in this dark/light balance on the planet and all that is that you go
through, but there are souls, Dear Ones, of some animals, some animals, not all.
And the difference is this: If there is an animal in your life of any size, shape or form that has a love affair with you, that animal develops a soul. And the soul is developed because of you,
because you are there. And there are those who don’t like this. They like the black and white approach. “Well, they either have souls or they don’t. What are you telling me? That they get them
sometimes and sometimes they don’t?” Yes. I’m sorry that that’s confusing, but that is the way, and it’s complex, and it has everything to do with love.
Almost all animals that you would have, there are a few exceptions, but almost all the animals you would have that you experience a profound love affair with have the ability to reincarnate. Would you like me to say that again? The ones you’ve loved and lost have the ability to reincarnate because they don’t live that long. And in this process of reincarnation for an animal, it has one purpose only. It will reincarnate only if you find it because it wants to – are you ready – your animal wants to continue the love affair, and that animal is less perhaps involved in the things that your soul would be. It only is involved with you. So, continuing the love affair is for the animal, but mostly for you.
Now some of you have known this and you understand it. Some of you have found out about it mysteriously and realize that what you have is the reincarnation of what you used to have because it has the same habits, it has the same things it does right and wrong. The way it looks at you is welcome back.
So, here are the instructions. Once again, I’m going to give these to you for you to listen to. All of those of you who are animal lovers have had a time when you had to say goodbye and it was way too soon, way, way too soon. And when that happens there are certain kinds of things that occur depending upon who you are and the loss that you’ve had. And one of those things is I wanted…you’ll say, “I don’t want another one. I don’t want another animal because I will miss this one too much, or it’s an insult to the last one, or it’s going to be too hard when I lose the next one.” All of these excuses you can wipe away because I’m going to tell you something- that animal is available again.
Now here is the point. The linear human being is going to go look for the same breed, the same kind of animal, the same color, and they’re going to go looking for what they had. This is the linearity of the human being’s consciousness. I’m going to give you something that you need to hear. This animal who reincarnates knows what you like. Knows you very, very well, especially at the soul level, and it’s going to present itself where you can find it. And so depending upon where you got that first animal, perhaps at a rescue place, or perhaps at a breeder, or perhaps on the street, wherever that was you got the first one, look again because that’s where it’s going to be again because it knows your patterns. This animal knows where you’re going to look before it even comes back.
And there are many, many questions that might be asked. For instance, “What happens if my animal reincarnates and I don’t find it?” You worry too much. If you don’t find that same animal, you will find another one who loves you just as much. And that other one that you didn’t find will go on to a family who loves it, so there’s no penalty of either one. I’m just telling you that your specific animal, the love, the soul is available for you to find. And if you start looking, you’ll find it. You will because it will make itself available to places you look.
Now this has been proven over and over, even by those who said, “I used to have this beautiful animal and I just love this cat so much. I’m going to shift to a dog this time.” And you go to find the dog and you’ll find the cat’s soul of the dog. And you’ll know it because the dog will act just like the cat. And you’ll say, “How is that even possible?” And the dog will wink at you because I’m back.
If you get another dog, perhaps another breed, it will have the same bad habits the first one had, the same good things. It will greet you in the same way and you never told it to. It will do
things you trained it to do without the training, just as a wink to say “I am back and here I am again for another decade or so of beauty and of love and purpose.”
This system has been set up for you. I want you to think about that for a moment. Is it possible that the Creative Source who created you, who created your soul, who created this planet and all
that it is about cares so much about you that there actually might be a system of love for you that helps you in these times of loss? It’s becoming more popular around the world to have these
which you love who are pets of any shape or size, and the reasoning is this: Is because as the chaotic world increases in its chaos, there is a sweet spot of peace often with an animal. And the
animal cuddles up to you and loves you and looks in your eyes and you know that it receives love and takes it in. You know that it gives love back.
No matter what the intellect of the animal is: a bird, a mouse, a dog, a cat, a horse, and there are others as well. Almost all animals can receive, understand love and give it back. They are
safe with you and they know they are. They develop a personality because of you and your love and that’s who they are for their entire life that they are with you. And then when you lose them,
it’s like losing perhaps even a child. And you bemoan that and you suffer, and you have grief. I am here to tell you that they are available.
I am talking to somebody right now who needs to hear this, right now who needs to hear this. Get up and find that animal again. And you’ll say, “Where should I go?” Anywhere you want to that you
would normally go to find this animal. And you will know them when you see them and you look in their eyes and they will look back at you and say, “I am here again. Let’s keep going. Let’s keep
going. Let’s extend the love affair.”
This is very real, Dear Ones. And I’m giving it to you at this time of year as a gift for you to understand and for you to know that the grief that you might have right now can be so cured you might say, made so much better and voided, not just with another animal, not even just with another animal that will eventually love you, but the same one, the same soul. And then there are those who will ask, “Well, again, which of those animals have souls?” And the answer is all of them who you fell in love with or fell in love with you, all of them. Love created their soul. Get used to it. This is something the human being can do. This is the power of the human consciousness itself to affect an animal to the degree that it can reincarnate, that it can experience love and knows who you are.
Some of you will nod and say, “Somehow this actually makes sense that I would be able to infuse and embed into an animal so much love that would create that which is a soul. Not the kind of a human soul, an animal soul could then go beyond the veil and come right back and be in a place where I could find it.”
I hope this is solace to you. Those of you especially who have suffered over the loss of an animal you think is perhaps one of a kind - not necessarily. The soul wants to continue the love affair. I want you to take this in perhaps as a gift and remember this when the time is right. What I said today is true, is real for all of you. Bless those of you who share your love with Gaia through an animal and has created their soul and they love you.
And so it is.