Pamela Kribbe

Your Unique Path
The greatest threat to the collective consciousness of the Earth and humankind is that individuals lose the connection with their souls: their inner creative source. When that happens, humans lose their center and become fragmented, and as a result they become the playthings of outer influences – of fears, especially – and then they tend to rigidly adhere to the existing order.

Work, money and creativity: The flow of ease and the flow of enough
The old energies have been so strongly active within this field that you may find it quite difficult to have a well-balanced attitude towards work and money issues.

The art of saying NO
There’s a deep inclination in most of us to adjust to the expectations of society, family or friends. We want to be liked and loved. However, if we truly want to align with our soul’s purpose and follow our unique path, the ability to say NO is crucial. Jeshua will speak about the art of saying NO, addressing the following questions.

Fully human and fully divine
Before the ancient civilization of Egypt, there was another civilization called Atlantis and you were deeply involved in expressing your knowledge in this civilization. The human heart inside of you had not been awakened yet. But towards the end of Atlantis, when things got out of balance and there were disasters and destruction, your hearts opened...

Pitfalls on the way to becoming a healer
What is the essence of healing? What happens when someone “gets well,” whether it is on the psychological, emotional or physical level? What happens is that this person is able to connect again to his or her own inner light, to his or her own greater Self. This connection has a healing effect upon all layers of the self – the emotional, physical and mental levels.

Angels of the New Earth
In this New Year’s message mother Earth will speak about the journey of lightworker souls and invite you to connect with the highest part of you. The highest part is the angel inside you, who never forgot about the Oneness and sacredness of all life.

The Heart Center of the Earth
I ask of you that you become an angel on Earth and I know you can be that. Every living being on Earth is working to complete its own dance, one that is perfectly suited to their unique nature, and you have your own particular dance. For you, there is always the next step that suits your life and is in line with who you are now. Feel that for a moment. Are you willing to take this step even if you do not know what it is that is asked of you?

Angels of the New Earth
In this New Year’s message mother Earth will speak about the journey of lightworker souls and invite you to connect with the highest part of you. The highest part is the angel inside you, who never forgot about the Oneness and sacredness of all life.

The Christmas Promise
At the heart of Christmas is the promise of a new dawn, an awakening. In the midst of darkness, a new light is born. The light of Christ is about change from within, about recognizing your divine origin, about going beyond the boundaries of your personality as conditioned by the past.

Being at Home on Earth
In this time of change and profound transformation, I want to be with you. I am with you, because within the heart there are no boundaries, and time and space are not an obstacle. The heart is a place of miracles and timelessness. Your heart is as a bridge between the dimension of the timeless and that of the time-bound, the physical. Your soul wants to enter this earthly reality across the bridge of your heart.“

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