Posts tagged with "lightworkers"

Flowers of the Earth
You emanate a vibration, a joy, an inner evolvement that is infectious, and affects and works on everything and everyone that is open to it. But it can be difficult for some people to respond to your light, because your light confronts parts in them which are not standing in the light, parts which they often want to keep hidden.

A time for celebration
I would like to tell you that this is a time for celebration. I know that many of you still have doubts and fears about choices you have to make in your life. But Christ consciousness is awakening in all your hearts like a flame. It is still very tender, but it is there; it is awakening.

Lightworkers and loneliness
Loneliness is a common problem in this world; many people suffer from it. But what makes loneliness in lightworkers so special? In this article, I’ll try to explain that.

The new Lightworker
The question was asked today: “Can a group help the coherence of one who sits before it, who is not in coherence?” The answer is, yes. So, if you can extend this whole idea of communicated coherence, I’ll tell you that, although it would appear to be a linear process, it’s far bigger than you think.