Posts tagged with "history"

Is Armageddon coming?
Is Armageddon coming? Did the word startle you? Are you interested? The answer I will give you that we will now discuss is no because you’re in it now. It has already arrived. And what I’ve told you – it’s the beginning of everything.

A reflection on the male energy
When the little boy is not allowed to play, he does not play with the little girl, either. The result is emotional poverty. There is an unbalanced male energy that is alienated from the female. Men have deep within themselves a lost girl that feels altogether neglected. And this is what those in power want, a man who is perfectly obedient and unfeeling, a robot. In this way, a man becomes dehumanized.

Is it possible to have your soul stuck?
For some of you, it’s an odd concept. For many of you, it’s the one you learned. I want you to relax for a moment where I tell you another story perhaps. I mean a story about a magnificent soul. Not a soul that is inclined to have a three-dimensional attributes in a paradigm; a soul that is not punished or rewarded; a soul that doesn’t get stuck in some place between heaven and hell.

Parenting in the Period of Transition
The world is changing rapidly; a new time is coming. The era in which man considered himself to be omnipotent and master over nature is coming to an end. When it happens, it will leave us not only wiser but more in position to return to paradise, a more harmonious world where there is harmony between people and between people and nature. It begs the question₋₋what are the ramifications for children who are being born now? What do they need and how will they wish to be raised?

Where did humans come from?
Where did humans come from? Now remember, all of these channels go onto that which is a public venue, not just the members, and so it’s a chance for all of you to gather around and have a good laugh you might say because here is the channeler who is about to tell you you came from ETs or some other kind of strangeness. And it is strange, is it not? Some of you know what I am going to tell you.

Arcturian message July 2024 - 1
Many base their limited concepts of sexuality on the old testament of the bible forgetting that much of the old testament referred to the issues and states of awareness of those particular times. The bible has been translated, interpreted, reinterpreted, and misinterpreted over time by many different individuals who however pure their intent, could only work from the level of their attained state of consciousness.

Mysteries Within the Human Body - Part IV
Where do souls go when they die? Hard to go anywhere if you never leave, isn't it?

Healing and understanding the ancient battle between men and women
It does not correspond to the official historiography. Reality is more nuanced. However, by laying out this big picture, I am trying to shed light on the ancient struggle between men and women.

Arcturian message June 2024 - 3
Transcending the belief in two powers is an important part of everyone's evolutionary process, and you are ready for it. The world is filled with people, ideas and things that claim to have power for good and evil, which in reality are simply the two ends of the belief in duality.

Mysteries Within the Human Body - Part III
Your history is filled with stories that make the E.T's and those from the stars your enemies, your conquerors. What if it were the absolute reverse? What if the lowest energy of all is here on this planet? And the highest energy is what you’re looking out and seeing in the stars? What if indeed that the star stuff out there is the star stuff inside you?

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