Posts tagged with "Selflove"

When self-love is active
Self-love is the ability to be good to yourself, no matter who isn’t good to you. When self-love is active, you are able to honor anyone’s potential, while not placing yourself in toxic partnerships, from a standpoint of “what if.” In self-love, you are able to have a point of view, establish healthy boundaries, and utilize the power of your voice — all from the graceful power of an open heart.

Being loved —A  Step-by-Step Plan
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be loved and feel loved? To sense that wherever you go, wherever you are, love meant especially for you is flowing through you? What power, what creativity, what joy in life that would give. So that's not how it works for most of us. What is wrong?

The inner love flow
Why do we need that love from the other so badly? Is it because we are unable to give ourselves love? We all have a source of love in us, or we would not be able to give love. But why do we feel so unloved by ourselves?