Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Is the messiah really coming back? This may be a pressing question to some of certain spiritual beliefs. What if it was more than that? What if there was one more messiah than you thought, maybe two or three? What if the question is: are all the messiahs coming back?
Is Armageddon coming? Did the word startle you? Are you interested? The answer I will give you that we will now discuss is no because you’re in it now. It has already arrived. And what I’ve told you – it’s the beginning of everything.
For some of you, it’s an odd concept. For many of you, it’s the one you learned. I want you to relax for a moment where I tell you another story perhaps. I mean a story about a magnificent soul. Not a soul that is inclined to have a three-dimensional attributes in a paradigm; a soul that is not punished or rewarded; a soul that doesn’t get stuck in some place between heaven and hell.
I’m tired of earth. Do I really have to come back? This is a question that old souls ask. And the more you’ve been on this planet, the more lives you’ve had on the planet, the more you would ask this question. I’m going to answer that as fully as I can and perhaps in a way that you didn’t expect.
At some point every human being must accept and begin to live from the truth that his true identity (not the ego sense of self) is an expression of the only “thing” that exists: Divine Consciousness. The true identity of every human being as Divine Individualized Consciousness makes him a creator, who consciously or unconsciously creates from the content of his state of consciousness.
Is it possible for God to interfere with free choice? Free will? Be aware. Be afraid. Call the exorcist. Do something, because anything that you don't understand and is possibly multidimensional must be from the devil. This is what you have been taught.
Many base their limited concepts of sexuality on the old testament of the bible forgetting that much of the old testament referred to the issues and states of awareness of those particular times. The bible has been translated, interpreted, reinterpreted, and misinterpreted over time by many different individuals who however pure their intent, could only work from the level of their attained state of consciousness.