Posts tagged with "Parallel reality"

Is it possible for God to tell your future?
Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Is it possible for God to tell your future? What a question! Perhaps you’re going to remember this particular channel, this particular time, as something that is ultimate confusion because some of you will not understand what’s to follow.

Working with parallel lives
When you make an important choice in your life, you are actually choosing between two possible futures. As soon as you have made the choice, one possible future falls away. Right? Or does that alternative future exist as well, in a parallel world, and is it experienced and lived through by another part of you? According to the”many worlds theory” in physics, every time a choice moment comes up, a split in the universe takes place: the various possibilities coexist in parallel worlds.

Arcturian message July 2024 - 1
Many base their limited concepts of sexuality on the old testament of the bible forgetting that much of the old testament referred to the issues and states of awareness of those particular times. The bible has been translated, interpreted, reinterpreted, and misinterpreted over time by many different individuals who however pure their intent, could only work from the level of their attained state of consciousness.