At this time in evolution, when it is so necessary for the call of the soul to be heard, you are very much hampered by two things: the first is fear, and the second is your “head”: your identification with the thinking, organizing processes in your life. I want to speak now about these two obstacles.
Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Is the messiah really coming back? This may be a pressing question to some of certain spiritual beliefs. What if it was more than that? What if there was one more messiah than you thought, maybe two or three? What if the question is: are all the messiahs coming back?
In this channeling Jeshua will address our fears around money, and how these interfere with finding out what we really want and need in our lives. He will distinguish between money flows based on fear and a flow of money that is connected with the heart. Money is meant to serve you instead of the other way around.
The greatest threat to the collective consciousness of the Earth and humankind is that individuals lose the connection with their souls: their inner creative source. When that happens, humans lose their center and become fragmented, and as a result they become the playthings of outer influences – of fears, especially – and then they tend to rigidly adhere to the existing order.
Before the ancient civilization of Egypt, there was another civilization called Atlantis and you were deeply involved in expressing your knowledge in this civilization. The human heart inside of you had not been awakened yet. But towards the end of Atlantis, when things got out of balance and there were disasters and destruction, your hearts opened...
The narrative everyone is familiar with is so much more than the story of one man born 2000 years ago because it is every man and woman’s story. It is important to understand that the word Christ is not a name but is a title meaning “anointed one”. Many believe that the word Christ refers only to Jesus who was of such an evolved state of consciousness that he was indeed an anointed one but Christ-hood never has or ever can be limited to just one person.
For all of you, whether you are a man or a woman, it is of vital importance that you recognize the pain that is naturally inside you as a human being and take care of it. As you treat yourself with kindness, with gentleness, you start to recognize your own healing energy. You first have to give that healing energy to yourself.
I ask you to identify that voice in yourself that criticizes and exhorts you to improve yourself, comments about how you look and what you feel, think, and do. There is a sharp voice somewhere inside you, a relentless inner critic. Essentially this is the voice of fear in you: the fear of failure, of not being good enough; the fear of being abandoned.
Planting the seeds of the Christ Energy was a combined effort, not confined to one single human being. It was the birth of something new and it was borne by many. Jeshua was the most visible personification of it, but there were many around him who helped him bear it.
You all are trying to find a balance between your earthly being and your soul being. The merging of your soul with your earthly self is often confusing for you. How do you integrate both?