Compassion - what could possibly be different there? I’m going to give you an aspect that you don’t expect of compassion. It's a topic you probably haven't heard before. It's an aspect of the new energy flying through the diminished veil - you might say - that we talked about earlier. Are you aware that you have new help?
Oh, this is such a big question. First of all, it is almost unanswerable. And the reason it is unanswerable is because you are in one dimension asking about another. And in that other dimension, that question can’t really be asked. It would be like saying: Is there some water around the ocean? And if so, how many waters are there? Let’s begin at the beginning.
Is intuition from God? All the channelings this month, we’re going to be talking about cosmic connections. This particular subject is being expanded. This is a complex answer, Dear Ones.