Posts tagged with "Extraterrestrial civilizations"

Arcturian message
Know that the activities of change that are taking place at this time are temporary and represent only the first steps of much that is to come. These times have been predicted, written about and looked forward to for thousands of years, and now it is finally here. It has begun. Trust and allow the process.

Is earth receiving help from the stars?
Greetings Dear Ones. There are many who are just starting to realize things. They have an awakening of their own; perhaps things are bigger than you’ve been taught or told. And one of the things that we have told you yet from the beginning is that your very 23 chromosomes of DNA shout at you that you are different from all those before you on the planet who had 24. We’ve told you in the past that something happened 200,000 years ago that you should know about.

Healing and understanding the ancient battle between men and women
It does not correspond to the official historiography. Reality is more nuanced. However, by laying out this big picture, I am trying to shed light on the ancient struggle between men and women.

Mysteries Within the Human Body - Part III
Your history is filled with stories that make the E.T's and those from the stars your enemies, your conquerors. What if it were the absolute reverse? What if the lowest energy of all is here on this planet? And the highest energy is what you’re looking out and seeing in the stars? What if indeed that the star stuff out there is the star stuff inside you?

Mystery Series – Part III
Dear Ones, I would like to tell you where earth is right now.

Arcturian message January 14, 2024
Dear readers welcome to our message which is as we have previously stated, your message because the consciousness of the readers draws forth the message.