Posts tagged with "DNA"

Is Star wars real?
What a question yet again we say to you. There would be those who say, “Well, of course not. That’s just in the movies.” You might be surprised. I would like to give you some information that we have given before in certain ways that might be interesting to you, but it really does talk about the history and the positioning of your planet in the galaxy, the timing of life even.

Can human beings stop aging?
Greetings Dear Ones. Standby for some new information, or at least information that you suspected was there. All living things on this planet have a lifespan. It’s designed that way, but the real question is whether you can stop aging is really the real question is - could you extend your lifetime and could you extend it grandly and greatly? And if you can, what are the attributes of that and the whys of that?

Is earth receiving help from the stars?
Greetings Dear Ones. There are many who are just starting to realize things. They have an awakening of their own; perhaps things are bigger than you’ve been taught or told. And one of the things that we have told you yet from the beginning is that your very 23 chromosomes of DNA shout at you that you are different from all those before you on the planet who had 24. We’ve told you in the past that something happened 200,000 years ago that you should know about.

Is there a method to allow humans to live longer?
Is there a method to allow humans to live longer? This is something I would like to talk a little more in depth on today, and I will just give you a warning in advance. Some of these things may be controversial to what you’ve learned, to what you’ve been told, even to your lifestyle. Yes, is the answer; yes, is the answer.

Is it possible for God to tell your future?
Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Is it possible for God to tell your future? What a question! Perhaps you’re going to remember this particular channel, this particular time, as something that is ultimate confusion because some of you will not understand what’s to follow.

Is the future of earth going to get better or worse?
How many people are telling you how horrible things are? How many are telling you that the future is going to be worse than ever? “I mean, look around you. Look what’s happening on the planet,” they may say. What about this planet? What about right now?

Bringing out the truth about yourself from the hidden
Through the multitude of Light frequencies that we now receive, not yet active DNA strands are activated and with that our sense of God. In our increased discernment everything is magnified. This makes us know very quickly what is old or new, illusion or real, what serves personal interests or is subservient to the greater whole, what carries cold or warm light.

Is free will changing?
Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Is free will changing? What a question this is. Free will you would say is free will. I mean, how can that change? It’s either free or it’s not free. Well, it is how you perceive it, Dear Ones. Let’s set some examples.

What is enhanced compassion?
Compassion - what could possibly be different there? I’m going to give you an aspect that you don’t expect of compassion. It's a topic you probably haven't heard before. It's an aspect of the new energy flying through the diminished veil - you might say - that we talked about earlier. Are you aware that you have new help?

Where did humans come from?
Where did humans come from? Now remember, all of these channels go onto that which is a public venue, not just the members, and so it’s a chance for all of you to gather around and have a good laugh you might say because here is the channeler who is about to tell you you came from ETs or some other kind of strangeness. And it is strange, is it not? Some of you know what I am going to tell you.

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