What a question yet again we say to you. There would be those who say, “Well, of course not. That’s just in the movies.” You might be surprised. I would like to give you some information that we have given before in certain ways that might be interesting to you, but it really does talk about the history and the positioning of your planet in the galaxy, the timing of life even.
At this time in evolution, when it is so necessary for the call of the soul to be heard, you are very much hampered by two things: the first is fear, and the second is your “head”: your identification with the thinking, organizing processes in your life. I want to speak now about these two obstacles.
Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Is the messiah really coming back? This may be a pressing question to some of certain spiritual beliefs. What if it was more than that? What if there was one more messiah than you thought, maybe two or three? What if the question is: are all the messiahs coming back?
Many of you have evolved to where you are now able to center in truth even as you witness and experience issues of personal and global discord. This is what you came to do. Trust that in spite of any and all appearances the Divine Plan can not be stopped or thwarted by those attempting to do so regardless of any so called “power” they may seem to have.
Dear friends, I am Mother Earth. If you want to know the answers to your life’s questions, than please be aware that you can not truly receive them without connecting to your body. I invite you to explore the issue of work and abundance from the level of your body and soul.
Greetings Dear Ones. Standby for some new information, or at least information that you suspected was there. All living things on this planet have a lifespan. It’s designed that way, but the real question is whether you can stop aging is really the real question is - could you extend your lifetime and could you extend it grandly and greatly? And if you can, what are the attributes of that and the whys of that?
The greatest threat to the collective consciousness of the Earth and humankind is that individuals lose the connection with their souls: their inner creative source. When that happens, humans lose their center and become fragmented, and as a result they become the playthings of outer influences – of fears, especially – and then they tend to rigidly adhere to the existing order.
The ascension process is only beginning. There is much to come. Earth’s energy over time will continue to rise higher and increasingly closer to reality, so sit back and allow the ascension movie to play. You are no where near the end yet.
Back in 1987, there was truly a consciousness decision of the planet to move forward on a new track, you might say, and get out of the one that was circling and circling, history repeating itself. Two years later I arrived with my partner and my message was clear. There would be no Armageddon.
Greetings Dear Ones. What is with all the solar flares? Well, let’s ask another thing. Why would you talk about solar flares in the love month? In the time that you are receiving this channel, it’s February. These are channels often about love during this time, and I have just stated something about solar flares during this time. Is there even potentially commonality? Is there between the two something that connects them? So stay with me.