What is with all the solar flares?
Greetings Dear Ones. What is with all the solar flares? Well, let’s ask another thing. Why would you talk about solar flares in the love month? In the time that you are receiving this channel, it’s February. These are channels often about love during this time, and I have just stated something about solar flares during this time. Is there even potentially commonality? Is there between the two something that connects them? So stay with me.

Work, money and creativity: The flow of ease and the flow of enough
The old energies have been so strongly active within this field that you may find it quite difficult to have a well-balanced attitude towards work and money issues.

Arcturian message
Know that the activities of change that are taking place at this time are temporary and represent only the first steps of much that is to come. These times have been predicted, written about and looked forward to for thousands of years, and now it is finally here. It has begun. Trust and allow the process.

Is earth receiving help from the stars?
Greetings Dear Ones. There are many who are just starting to realize things. They have an awakening of their own; perhaps things are bigger than you’ve been taught or told. And one of the things that we have told you yet from the beginning is that your very 23 chromosomes of DNA shout at you that you are different from all those before you on the planet who had 24. We’ve told you in the past that something happened 200,000 years ago that you should know about.

The art of saying NO
There’s a deep inclination in most of us to adjust to the expectations of society, family or friends. We want to be liked and loved. However, if we truly want to align with our soul’s purpose and follow our unique path, the ability to say NO is crucial. Jeshua will speak about the art of saying NO, addressing the following questions.

Are you afraid of love?
Are you afraid of love? What a question. And you might say: “Uh, no, I’m not afraid of love, Kryon.” Your culture does not embrace such a thing. Some of it is created by your institutions, the ones that are spiritual who say, “You have to be in the corner. You’re not worthy. I’m going to tell you a story, and the story is going to emphasize what love might be.

Arcturian message
Living each day from an awareness of the truth about God and man will eventually result in it becoming an attained state of consciousness where there will no longer be the need to practice and remember truth because you will be it. Living from a level of high truth does not mean ignoring or pretending not to see what is going on around you but rather means being in the world but not of it.

Fully human and fully divine
Before the ancient civilization of Egypt, there was another civilization called Atlantis and you were deeply involved in expressing your knowledge in this civilization. The human heart inside of you had not been awakened yet. But towards the end of Atlantis, when things got out of balance and there were disasters and destruction, your hearts opened...

Is there a method to allow humans to live longer?
Is there a method to allow humans to live longer? This is something I would like to talk a little more in depth on today, and I will just give you a warning in advance. Some of these things may be controversial to what you’ve learned, to what you’ve been told, even to your lifestyle. Yes, is the answer; yes, is the answer.

Arcturian channeling
Many believe that psychic is the same thing as spiritual. It is not. A channel can rise no higher than the state of consciousness of the channeler. At this time some channels are bringing forth accurate and high resonating information but at the same time there are others interpreting information from and through three dimensional states if consciousness. Use spiritual discernment to know which is which.

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