The joy of your higher selves
You are always connected to your higher selves. But that is not always tangible. Many Lightworkers do not yet have the luxury of having sufficient financial resources to no longer have to participate in today's society; so they still visit these more dense fields daily. But they are starting to feel more and more that recovery time is needed if they have been commuting back and forth between various dimensions.

Is Star wars real?
What a question yet again we say to you. There would be those who say, “Well, of course not. That’s just in the movies.” You might be surprised. I would like to give you some information that we have given before in certain ways that might be interesting to you, but it really does talk about the history and the positioning of your planet in the galaxy, the timing of life even.

Two Obstacles
At this time in evolution, when it is so necessary for the call of the soul to be heard, you are very much hampered by two things: the first is fear, and the second is your “head”: your identification with the thinking, organizing processes in your life. I want to speak now about these two obstacles.

Conjunction of Saturn and Neptune part 1
In the summer and up until February 2026, there will be a significant conjunction of two planets: Saturn and Neptune. The last time these two planets were conjunct was in November 1989, precisely at the moment of the fall of the Berlin Wall...

Is the messiah really coming back?
Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Is the messiah really coming back? This may be a pressing question to some of certain spiritual beliefs. What if it was more than that? What if there was one more messiah than you thought, maybe two or three? What if the question is: are all the messiahs coming back?

Arcturian message
Many of you have evolved to where you are now able to center in truth even as you witness and experience issues of personal and global discord. This is what you came to do. Trust that in spite of any and all appearances the Divine Plan can not be stopped or thwarted by those attempting to do so regardless of any so called “power” they may seem to have.

The right flow of money
In this channeling Jeshua will address our fears around money, and how these interfere with finding out what we really want and need in our lives. He will distinguish between money flows based on fear and a flow of money that is connected with the heart. Money is meant to serve you instead of the other way around.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse - March 14, 2025
The Sun, Saturn, Neptune, Ceres, and the North Node are all in the last degrees of Pisces. This is like the last phase of pregnancy before the new is born (planet by planet). What is ready? What still needs a bit more time? What needs to be perfected before it is shared with the outside world?

Jeshua answers questions about the ''The Forbidden Male Speaks''
Last month (Feb 2025) The Forbidden Male Speaks was published in Spanish by Ediciones Vesica Piscis. At this occasion, publisher Sylvie Duran interviewed Pamela/Jeshua about some issues related to the book. The questions are about 1. How to balance the masculine and feminine within, 2. Transgenderism, and 3. Masculinity in Latin and Hispanic cultures. Here is the transcript of the questions and the channeled answers.

Abundance lies within
Dear friends, I am Mother Earth. If you want to know the answers to your life’s questions, than please be aware that you can not truly receive them without connecting to your body. I invite you to explore the issue of work and abundance from the level of your body and soul.

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