Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua
Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I am your brother and kindred spirit who holds your hand.
In this time of change and profound transformation, I want to be with you. I am with you, because within the heart there are no boundaries, and time and space are not an obstacle. The heart is a place of miracles and timelessness.

You all have been in and out of time. When you are born, when you step into your body here on Earth, you take part in time and space as they were created here in the past. You become conditioned and formed by the environmental influences which exist here, although part of you is always outside the limitations of time and space. It is through that timeless part that you get the most direct access to your heart. Your heart is as a bridge between the dimension of the timeless and that of the time-bound, the physical. Your soul wants to enter this earthly reality across the bridge of your heart.
Your soul stands on the very edge of two different dimensions. You will continuously receive messages, nudges, and signals from the dimension of your soul. Your soul knocks at your door, but because you have taken in misinformation during the upbringing of your youth, you do not always know how to understand the language of your soul. After all, you were raised and have grown up in an environment with an energy that was influenced by fear, impotence, and struggle.
Also, you still carry old burdens from previous lives in your soul’s memory. You have come here in this life to transform many of those burdens of past lives, as well as societal influences from your present life, so you can consciously experience connection with your soul that enables you to move beyond the restrictive earthly influences here in this life. You are here to bring in something new, which is part of your intention as a soul. You could say that doing that is your soul’s assignment or your soul’s plan.
In any case, this intention is not something that comes from outside you; it is something that you desire to create: change from within yourself. It is primarily to heal yourself, to become free from fear and the energies which still entrap you, and also, in a broader sense, to participate in the birth of a new consciousness.
It is because you have this desire that you sometimes feel a stranger in this world. You do not feel at home here because your desire for authenticity can not adapt to the existing forms of hierarchy and their oppression of individuality. That existing energy is at odds with the calling of your soul, that which you have been called to be and do, which is to experience freedom and renewal within yourself and to bring that forth and to sow it as seeds in the world around you.
This means that as a child, and in the course of your youth, you have experienced loneliness and misunderstanding and confusion about yourself, and also resistance from the world around you. A child is vulnerable, searches for security, recognition, and approval. It wants to experience love, so that it can develop freely and be itself. But the love it needs is of a very high quality, and it is only love of that quality that can make the soul flourish.
Your real desire is not about gaining the approval of others, because that you get by adjusting, and deep down you know this is not your way. You already knew this as a child, which is why you all experienced some alienation and confusion when you grew up, and so you felt different. This has happened, but it is important to realize that part of you has remained faithful to your true self, to your originality. This is the part of you that felt different, lonely, and confused, and it is the result of that remembrance and connection with your soul.
At the same time, there was the vulnerable child in you who wanted to adapt and experience belonging; the part that turned and twisted itself into all sorts of shapes to feel that belonging. That child part of you, which has been damaged, still feels this influence and is still acting out a role; and doing this makes you underestimate yourself and makes you feel small. It is very important that you realize doing this, because this is probably the biggest obstacle for connecting with your soul and with the depth and greatness of who you truly are.
Many of you have questions about your path in life: what to do, what to choose, which way to go. And the answers lie in surrender: connecting to your own source of inner knowledge and wisdom, and that is all within you. What often blocks you from being able to connect with your soul and causes you to diminish yourself, are your thoughts and beliefs in your own smallness, and also the suppressing of your feelings and intuition.
I ask you to travel with me, here and now in this moment, and connect with the larger “me”, the greater Self that you are and that has always been with you every day of your life on Earth. However, you have partially forgotten that Self, or you have had to push it away in order to survive emotionally. Feel the presence of this greater Self, of your soul; feel it around you in your energy field. Allow it into awareness and let it penetrate into your body’s cells. Greet yourself and welcome yourself! Feel the vast scope of your path, your wealth of experiences, and the wisdom that is eons old and which is within you. You are the bearer of that wisdom.
Feel the Earth beneath your feet, her living presence. Feel her beating heart – she is a conscious being. Feel how you have been in an earthly body many times and have gained much experience here. Greet her, greet the Earth! The Earth knows you, and not as the conditioned creature you have become through all the societal influences. No, the Earth knows your soul, your original Self, and wants to support you on your path – she works with cosmic influences. There is room for you, a place on Earth that suits you.
Earth’s energy is many times higher than the energy of the collective consciousness of humanity at the moment. In this collective consciousness, this mass consciousness, there is the energy of fear. The Earth needs the benefits of those persons who vibrate on another level. This energy feeds the Earth, so your presence makes a difference. As a human being, you are a bridge between different worlds. You are here to channel your soul’s energy to Earth, and also those energies from a greater, higher consciousness.
You are at home here on Earth, but you do not feel at home in the energy of mass consciousness, as far as it is still bound by fear, struggle, and the need for survival, and with its insufficient connection with the soul. However, the Earth itself is familiar to you; you are connected to her. Feel how the Earth supports and receives you. Looked at from Earth’s perspective, you are a bringer of a new consciousness – remember this.
And deep down you know that you have come here to bring something new, and in that respect you are a leader. The world’s leaders and leadership have become corrupt because they are associated with power, in the sense of exercising power over others, with the abuse of power. This usual idea of leaders presupposes the idea of followers. However, this is not the kind of leadership to which I am referring. The leadership that is inherent in you is that of being an exemplar, as one who carries a new energy, which is something you bring forth in your life.
As soon as you begin to do this, a natural response arises immediately: other people feel attracted to your energy, to what you radiate. You will then naturally feel attracted to guiding people in some way, or helping to change consciousness in the world. So, this inner process of becoming your “self”, of recognizing and rediscovering your original self goes along with expressing that self in the world around you. To be able to do this with confidence and decisiveness, it is necessary that you first understand what your role is, namely that you are a forerunner, a pioneer; that you come to bring in something new; that you are an iconoclast and will not walk along the beaten track.
To find your place on Earth and to actively set down your energy, you need to create your own space, and that will not be an existing space. You design and make something new that suits you, that is consistent with your natural predisposition, with your lifestyle, with your unique energy. So, when it comes to finding your soul’s path, realize that this soul path is new and will not follow any established paths. It requires courage and audacity to create this path of relying on your deepest inner feelings.
I invite you to do two short exercises now so your path can become clearer for you. The first is that you connect with that part in you – the child part if you will – who still feels small and insignificant, and who searches for outer recognition or confirmation. The child part who would like to do well in the eyes of others and is afraid of rejection, afraid to be different and excluded. See if you can form an image of that child part or feel it somewhere in your body. Sense a place in your body where the energy of that damaged child is present. Connect with this place that blocks you and send love to it. Maybe you can see or feel it in the area of your belly, below your navel. There may be very deep feelings located there, a child’s primal fears: the lack of security and safety. It is very important that you do not underestimate this part of yourself that will always demand your complete attention and love.
You sometimes work too diligently or are too impatient. On your path in life, the pain you feel through the broken child in you requires attention and love. Within you is a hurt child who has tried many times to put down light here on Earth. That child was internally damaged, traumatized by rejection, misunderstanding, and loneliness, and the fact that you experience this has a reason. Because of this experience, you understand in a very deep way what being human means. From that wound in you, the deepest compassion and love are also born.
So, it all has not been for nothing. Consciously keep in touch with this part of yourself and do not expect it to recover at once – and it does not have to. Take this child by the hand and take care of yourself. Look at what this part of you needs: how to heal the old scars, the old pain. This is as much a part of your soul’s goal as is putting your light and consciousness into the world. This life is also one of healing, of inner integration and unification of yourself, and this is very important.
The second exercise is about connecting with your soul power, with your greatness. The power of your soul is very old, and from it you know and feel much – so feel that in your heart. Feel the silence and the grandeur in your heart. Feel that you are here to be a guide to others, a guide who opens up opportunities which lead to something new. Feel this very positively, as something that is actually already here.
Now look very objectively and openly at what you have to give to people. What energy is flowing into the world from your heart? What flows naturally without effort? Look at what the effect of your being, your presence, is on others. What does your energy do to another person? Try to give words to that. Try to describe, in one sentence, how you help others. It is something that touches others and wakes them up. From that deep place you give yourself to others. Who you are, what you emanate, you share that with others. Feel this very clearly; do not underestimate yourself in what you have to share – see its value and richness.
When you realize this fully, you are then taking yourself seriously. You then have a better sense of what choices suit you, and where you might give too much of yourself and receive too little in return. By knowing yourself and taking yourself seriously, by valuing yourself, you are going to feel better. That is important because, in a way, you have to be economical with your own energy. You have to pay attention to it and to direct it well, because that energy is precious. Remember that you also carry a hurt inner child within you who needs care and nurturing. The small and vulnerable within you needs as much attention as does the great and powerful within you. Take yourself seriously as a forerunner, as a pioneer of consciousness.
I salute you all out of this bond between us. It gives me great joy to be with you. Thank you so much.
© Pamela Kribbe