The monthly meditations and channelings by Pamela Kribbe and Gerrit Gielen in English.



The soul's journey towards conscious creation 3

Level 2 – The mature soul’s journey: discovering the meaning of suffering

Channeling Jeshua 


The soul's journey towards conscious creation 2

Level 1 – The young soul’s journey: entering duality and the cycle of incarnation

Channeling Jeshua



The soul's journey towards conscious creation 1

The big picture: from unconscious causation to conscious creation.

Channeling Jeshua


The lightworker's confusion about money

Jeshua will speak about the energy of money and how it can serve us instead of confuse us.

Channeling Jeshua


The Lightworker's Journey 1

Who are lightworkers? What does it mean to be a lightworker, what are their main characteristics and how do you know if you are one?

A deepening of the 2002 lightworker series.


The Lightworker's Journey 2

The lightworker’s transition from ego to heart. What are the four different stages of this evolutionary inner journey and where are you?

A deepening of the 2002 lightworker series.


The Lightworker's Journey 3

Pitfalls of lightworkers. Jeshua will adress two major pitfalls of lightworker souls. Giving too much and Spiritual rage.

A deepening of the 2002 lightworker series.


The Lightworker's Journey 4

Understanding your soul’s purpose for this life. Why did you choose this lifetime and how do the challenges you face contribute to your soul’s purpose?

A deepening of the 2002 lightworker series.


The Lightworker's Journey 5

Expressing your wisdom and light. Connect with the highest part of yourself and discover how your light wants to express itself on earth. Jeshua offers guidance about how to recognize the frequency of heart based energy inside you, feeling your soul’s wisdom and passion, and going beyond the fear of self expression. A deepening of the 2002 channeled lightworker series.


Teachers in Training

Jeshua will clarify what it means to be a teacher in this world.

He will speak about lightworkers as “teachers in training” and will also address the question of why we are here right now, in these times of intense global change and upheaval.


Receiving Christ consciousness in your heart

Your soul’s purpose in this life is to allow Christ consciousness to touch the frozen and closed parts of you.

In this channeling, mother Mary will invite us to receive Christ consciousness for ourselves, and to discover that love, joy and freedom originate from our own true nature.


Mother Earth speaks about climate change

Mother Earth will share her perspective on what is happening.

Pamela will offer a message from Mother Earth about the changes and challenges we are facing globally.